Apply to Work or Volunteer

STAFF APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! Please read the following and then the link at the bottom of the page will take you to the application site.

Fill out a NEW STAFF APPLICATION if you have never worked/volunteered at BBR OR if you worked prior to 2022 and have not filled one out since then.

Please remember to use your OWN email address. (Student email addresses are ok).

You must be aged 14+ to volunteer for summer camp.

from the director AND BIRCH BAY RANCH:

We are so glad you are interested in working or volunteering at Birch Bay Ranch! 

We are a Christian camp geared at telling campers between the ages of 8-16 about the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Bible is the TRUTH - that every word of it was inspired by God and is valid today as a tool to live by (II Timothy 3:16).

Birch Bay Ranch is located on Cooking Lake, near Edmonton, Alberta and covers 104 acres of beautifully treed land. From September to June the Ranch operates as a retreat centre for groups wanting to stay for a few hours or for a few nights and/or use the various activities of the Ranch. In July and August the Ranch is a summer camp for youths between the ages of 8 -16. Ranch activities include horseback riding, an extensive ropes course, archery, gym and field sports. In the summer we also have devotional times, and campfires. Staff can expect to work in any of the above areas, as well as cabin leaders, in the kitchen, lodge maintenance (cleaning), outdoor maintenance or anywhere else that help is required.

We hire 12-14 people to work/volunteer for May, June, July and August, 20-25 more to volunteer for July and August, and 10-12 to work/volunteer for September and October.

Staff can agree to work the entire two months of July and August, or, if they are only available on a weekly basis, they can indicate which weeks they are able to work. Staff will be notified in April if they have been hired for May-August and in June if they have been hired for the summer months. Very few staff are hired to a specific position. Most staff will be asked to serve in any area in the ministry of the Ranch. This usually changes on a weekly basis.

Birch Bay Ranch is a mission field. Staff who apply to work at the Ranch need to be prepared to commit their summer (or the amount of time they apply for) to the Lord. This commitment is a 24-hour a day, 6 days per week commitment. It requires a sacrifice of time and abilities. When you apply to work at the Ranch you need to be aware that you are laying aside all other plans to concentrate your effort on the campers who attend summer camp.

A typical week for summer staff members will begin at 2:00pm on Sunday with a devotional time and staff meeting in our Main Lodge. All staff are required to be in attendance. Campers arrive at 4:30pm. All week the campers participate in various activities and are instructed, counseled and served by the staff. The camp week ends for staff on Friday after all campers have left and cleanup duties are done (usually ready to leave the Ranch by 10:00pm on Friday evening). All staff will have Saturdays off.

We are thankful that you are interested in applying for work at Birch Bay Ranch and we would ask that you will prayerfully consider whether this is where God wants you.